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Vinayak Vikram

Vinayak Vikram documented his creative process and reflections. Let's check it out together!

Vinayak, who plays the recorder, decided to embark on a unique and meaningful New Year's project. Instead of traditional celebrations, he dedicated himself to recording the finale of Mendelssohn's Italian Symphony, one of his favourite pieces by his favourite composer.

Here's a glimpse into his journey:

  • Favorite Composer: Felix Mendelssohn

  • Favorite Symphony: The Italian Symphony, especially its final movement

  • Project Duration: 6 days to complete, 2 days for arranging the symphony and 4 days to record

  • Process:

  • Arranged the symphony for eight parts

  • Recorded each part individually

  • Used GarageBand to splice and edit the tracks

  • Created a video and posted it on YouTube

The result? A beautifully arranged and recorded symphony that received positive feedback from his teachers and family. This encouraged Vinayak to submit his work to the Beethovinci International Music Competition online, where he won the prestigious Gold Prize, and this has also made him to be our Beeffie Artist Award Special Prize Winner! 🏆

We are incredibly proud of Vinayak's dedication, hard work, and passion for music. This accomplishment has earned him the opportunity to share his story and inspire others.

Let's give Vinayak a big round of applause for his amazing achievement! 👏👏👏

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